PWR! Moves Class - Seated Only

This video from Clare McLean of Rogue PT is great for people who seated exercises are best for, or for people who work and sit a lot, to get some ideas of how they can move and stretch and stay mobile while at work!

Although these exercises are in sitting and are quite safe, feel free to modify as needed for safety and comfort.

Equipment needed:

-Sturdy Chair without arms if possible

-Hand Towel

-Small (1-3 lbs) hand weights if you have them, or something around the house like cans of food/water bottles, etc!

-Water to drink! Stay hydrated!


This video is informational and does not substitute for professional medical advice, which should always be sought prior to attempting any exercise or lifestyle activities. Rogue Physical Therapy & Wellness, Inc. is not responsible for any loss or injury that may arise from or relate to action taken as a results of viewing videos we post. Please visit for further information and for our complete policies and terms of use.


Fitness Fridays: PWR! Moves (Parkinson's Wellness Recovery Moves)