About Meghan Treem, MS, OTR/L

In-home rehabilitation for seniors

Meghan Treem is a licensed Occupational Therapist who graduated in 2015 with her Masters in OT and Bachelor’s degree in Health Science. Her experience in the skilled nursing setting over the last 8 years has allowed her to see and treat a variety of diagnosis amongst the older adult and geriatric population. She has experience with fall prevention, Dementia/Alzheimer’s, post-operative rehabilitation, stroke rehabilitation, and general disease processes/chronic illnesses associated with aging. Meghan has a passion for patient advocacy which drove her to hold the title of director of rehab at her previous jobs. With this role she gained experience bringing a team of therapists and healthcare professionals together to work towards patient centered goals. She loves finding ways to make therapy sessions not only helpful but enjoyable for her patients! She’s also a mom to two under two who is returning to her professional career and is excited and eager to be helping others again! 

Meghan sees patients living in Medford, Malden, Melrose, Arlington, Concord + Belmont, Massachusetts and virtually via Telehealth. To request an evaluation with Meghan Treem, OTR/L, fill out the form below: