Safe Falling Workshop for Older Adults
Falls are one of the leading causes of injury among older adults, and fear of falling can actually increase the likelihood of falls. Our Safe Falling Workshop is designed to teach older adults practical skills to help them reduce their risk of injury if they do fall and improve their ability to recover and get back up safely.
Research shows that approximately 50% of older adults who fall are unable to get off the floor without assistance, which can lead to additional complications. By teaching essential skills such as safe landing techniques and how to get on and off the floor, our workshop aims to improve participants' confidence, reduce their fear of falling, and ultimately lower their risk of future falls.
Building on the success of our previous workshop tailored for people with Parkinson’s disease, we are now opening this opportunity to the general public. Taught by experienced Physical and Occupational Therapists from Healthy Aging Physical Therapy, this workshop provides both education and essential hands-on skills practice in a supportive environment.
This workshop is appropriate for participants of all levels, and modifications are available for those with medical conditions such as osteoporosis, ensuring safe and effective practice. The only contraindications for practicing these techniques would be individuals with a new or healing fracture or recent hip replacement surgery. Participants are still welcome to attend and observe, but will not be able to participate in the skills-practice portion of this workshop.
All participants will be supervised by a team of experienced Physical and Occupational Therapists from Healthy Aging Physical Therapy. Our staff is specially trained to provide the appropriate support and guidance needed for older adults to practice safely and confidently. This is an excellent opportunity for participants to build skills that can reduce fear of falling, improve confidence, and promote independence.
This workshop is 3 Hours in length, includes both Education and Skills Practice, and can host 20 participants per session. Host site MUST have access to 30 chairs, and at least 3 medium to high gymnastics-style or martial arts-style mats.
If you are interested in hosting your own Safe Falling for Older Adults Workshop, please use the form below to request more information or email
Safe Falling Workshop Request