Deep Thoughts at the Dentist

Guys I have a confession to make…

I haven’t been to the dentist in over a year. Between Covid-related closures and life, it just didn’t happen. But I went this morning, and am so glad I did. And it got me thinking about a few things.

Leading up to my appointment, I found myself having apprehensive thoughts, like dreading the visit in fear I’d be told I have seventeen cavities and need a root canal because I missed my regular visit. I considered cancelling and waiting till the Covid-risk is lower. But, fortunately, I had the insight to realize that when it comes to your health, Ignorance ISN’T bliss and I made it to my 9am at the Future of Dentistry - Wakefield (shout out for a super-clean, comfortable experience this morning!

When we avoid facing a reality out of fear, it doesn’t make that reality magically disappear. And when it comes to caring for your body and your health (and in this case, my teeth!), what may seem innocent enough, like postponing regular healthcare prevention visits, can actually make the problem worse!

So back to my teeth. Did you know that good oral hygiene is about more than pearly whites and avoiding the pain and nuisance of a filling? Oral health not only affects your mouth, but can cause other, bigger, health problems. Bacteria living in your mouth can travel, impacting other systems, like your heart and lungs. Poor oral hygiene can increase your risk of endocarditis (an infection in the lining of your heart), cardiovascular disease and pneumonia.

As a Physical Therapist, I’d 100% rather see a patient BEFORE they have a problem, than work with them to fix it after. Unfortunately, our healthcare system historically promotes rehabilitation and medical management over prevention. While there has been some within the physician treatment model to do better in this area, this hasn’t trickled down as much as I’d like to see within the practice of Physical Therapy. We, as a profession, have so much to offer in the realm of PREVENTION and it is my hope, that in 2021, payers like Medicare and other Managed Plans begin to see this, and offer better reimbursement for visits designed to address issues before they arise.

In the meantime, you have a choice. You can CHOOSE prevention. You can CHOOSE to put healthy things in your body, keep unhealthy things out, and to make exercise a regular part of your health maintenance (just like taking vitamins or seeing your primary care physician regularly). You can even CHOOSE to see a Physical Therapist before problems arise. PT’s like HAE offer Annual Physicals, just like your physician, and can help you take a clear and comprehensive look at your current health, your health behaviors and help you construct a plan that will set you on a path towards Healthy Aging.

“When you have to make a choice and don’t make it, that is in itself a choice.” -William James

So, as we turn the corner to 2021 (Good riddance, 2020…), let’s do some thinking. How could we treat our bodies better this year? 2020 has not been easy on any of us, and our collective health has suffered as a result. What problems could we choose to face, head on, instead of ignore, as we enter the new year?

If you like the idea of a Physical Therapy Annual Check-Up, and think it could help you start 2021 on the right track, call me:) I’m more than happy to help.

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Happy New Year - and the Rule of Fives


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