FAQ #3: What DO You Actually Do ???


FAQ: What do you actually do?

(Aka when your PT doesn’t ‘look’ like a normal PT..)

I get it - Physical Therapists who don’t always look and act like ‘normal’ physical therapists can throw you for a loop. Us Geriatric Mobile PT’s don’t have a clinic. We don’t work with aides. Heck, we don’t even own an ultrasound or estim unit (usually!). So what is that we actually do?

To answer this question, I’ll start with a few things we aren’t:

We aren’t nurses - but we do take your vitals, check your meds and help you manage your chronic diseases. 

We aren’t massage therapists - but we do perform soft tissue work, manual therapy and other hands-on techniques to help reduce your pain and improve your movement. 

We aren’t occupational therapists - but we do work with you in areas where OTs usually hang out, like to work on transfers in the bathroom, teach you how to move around safely in the kitchen and how to keep your balance while you get dressed. 

We aren’t your doctor - but we have ‘direct access’ that allows us to see you first, before you see your doctor, because we have the advanced education, skills and know-how to identify when it is safe to see us - and when you need to see another clinician first. 

We aren’t social workers - but we are great resources for how to access support within your community. We have great connections to senior centers, home health agencies and other health professionals and can steer you in the right direction.

We aren’t your therapist - but we are great listeners. We understand that the key to helping you benefit from physical therapy is to find ways to motivate you and get you more confident in your abilities. This requires getting to know you, your life, your goals, the ‘what makes you tick’ stuff. We can’t be effective without understanding this first.

So, back to the original question. What the heck do you do?

Geriatric Mobile Physical Therapists are experts in healthy aging. We understand that Exercise is Medicine and we are masters at finding ways to help you move, despite your limitations, despite your medical conditions, despite the fact that you are getting older and despite the fact that you may be scared, physically limited or simply don’t know where to start. 

We are movement and mobility masters. EVERYTHING we do as humans requires movement. Taking care of yourself, your loved ones and your home (getting dressed, taking a shower, cooking, going to the grocery) all requires mobility. Doing all the things you LOVE and ENJOY requires mobility. Golfing, playing tennis, socializing with friends and family, picking up those grandkids and getting to the floor to play with them. These aren’t always easy tasks as we age - but they are the very most important ones. Physical therapists are THE people to help you find ways to keep doing these, without less pain, with less risk of injury and with less risk of falling. 

We are illness and injury rehabilitation professionals. It is nearly impossible to grow old without experiencing some bumps in the road. These bumps may be hospital stays, broken bones, strokes or progressive illnesses like Parkinson’s. We are the people to help you find your way back. Back to health, back to moving, back to living, back to being you.

None of this stuff is easy. Growing old ain’t for sissies (direct quote from more than one of my past patients!). Mobile Geriatric Physical Therapists (like me!) make it easier. We help you stay healthy as you age. We help you recover from bumps in the road. We even help you stay comfortable as you progress towards the end of life and help your family learn to care for you if they need to. So, will you get modalities and massages and be given a home exercise program and sent on your way? Nope. Not by a long shot. Will you learn to better care for yourself, care for your loved ones and age more successfully? You bet. Want to know more? Ask us:) #ChoosePTfirst

#haept #stronger #fitter #functional #physicaltherapist #physiotherapist #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #exercise #health #wellness #aging #healthyaging #optimalaging #successfulaging #exerciseismedicine #insurance #medicare #momboss


Deep Thoughts at the Dentist


FAQ #2: How ‘Old’ Do I Have to be to See You?