Happy New Year - and the Rule of Fives

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I’ve gone back and forth what to post all day. Do I do the thing ‘I’m supposed to do’ and post a nice ‘Happy New Year you graphic? Do I write about how guilty I feel thinking about expressing gratitude to have made it through this year relatively scratch-free, when I’ve seen so many friends struggle with loss this year? Do I sit back and make Big Goals and Resolutions then share them with the world? (The possibilities are endless..)

When it comes down to it, we’ve all been changed by this year. Our children have been changed this year. The entire world we lived in has changed and I don’t know if will ever be the same.

But there can be goodness in change. There can be silver linings and lessons learned. There can be redirection and new purpose and path-righting.

I don’t have it all together, but I strive to keep most of it together, some of the time:) I took a huge leap this year snd am literally still figuring things out, as I go, every single day.

One thing I do know is I can’t thrive, and my business can’t thrive, and my family can’t thrive, if I don’t take care of myself first.

Have I been perfect this year? Nope. Have I tried my best to eat healthy and stay active despite all this chaos? Yes, for sure. Could I do better. Absolutely.

As a physical therapist, and a human, I can attest that the first step in achieving any of your goals, is caring for your body. Putting good things in, keeping bad things out. Keeping it moving snd active.

Should I make business goals and other more concrete resolutions? Probably. (It’s on my to-do list. Don’t judge:) ) But, I have decided, that all that ‘stuff’ needs to comes after this: my rule of FIVES - five things I think i can commit to that will make me a healthier person. This stuff isn’t earth shattering, and it isn’t even that hard. But it’s the stuff that matters and the things that WORK.

I, for one, am looking forward to 2021. This year turned our lives upside down, tossed our kids out of their schools and little kid worlds. It tossed everything into a giant socially-isolated quarantine bowl and spun it around. We, like all of you, have found a new way to live, to get through, to change and persevere in a new, very bizarre pandemic-world. I’ll use these five rules to center myself, keep focused on my health first and seek consistency in a totally-inconsistent world.

I wish for all of you a year of health, happiness and growth. I hope we can celebrate, instead of seclude, this time next year. And I hope we can take all the lessons and silver linings from this year and hold them close even after Covid is a thought far in the rear view.

Happy 2021, Katie


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