Staying Hydrated: A Vital Guide for Older Adults During the Summer Heat

While it may be ‘hot girl summer’ everywhere else you look, here over at Healthy Aging, we’re entering ‘hot patient summer’ season. Last week, as temperatures climbed, I challenged my Parkinson’s class to a drinking contest - except instead of chugging beers, we tried to finish a bottle of water between exercises. While for most people, summer heat brings thoughts of bathing suits, pool parties and barbeques, for me, and most of my home health colleagues, we go to thoughts of dehydration, low blood pressures and passing out. So, as the summer heat approaches, I want to talk to you today about staying hydrated. Hydration over the summer is crucial for everyone, but especially older adults. Dehydration can lead to serious health complications, but with a few simple strategies, it’s easy to stay hydrated and healthy throughout the season.

While it may be ‘hot girl summer’ everywhere else you look, here over at Healthy Aging, we’re entering ‘hot patient summer’ season. Last week, as temperatures climbed, I challenged my Parkinson’s class to a drinking contest - except instead of chugging beers, we tried to finish a bottle of water between exercises. While for most people, summer heat brings thoughts of bathing suits, pool parties and barbeques, for me, and most of my home health colleagues, we go to thoughts of dehydration, low blood pressures and passing out. So, as the summer heat approaches, I want to talk to you today about staying hydrated. Hydration over the summer is crucial for everyone, but especially older adults. Dehydration can lead to serious health complications, but with a few simple strategies, it’s easy to stay hydrated and healthy throughout the season. 

Why Are Older Adults More Prone to Dehydration?

Several factors make older adults more susceptible to dehydration. Older adults tend to have a reduced thirst sensation combined with lower kidney function. With aging kidneys becoming less efficient at conserving water, while we lose more water, we also have less drive to replace it. Older adults also often take medications that impact hydration like diuretics that lead to increased urination, or anticholinergic drugs that lead to reduced sweat production. Many older adults have mobility limitations, and try to avoid the ‘extra walks’ or nighttime waking to use the bathroom that they fear may come with increased hydration. Lastly, you may also notice that you sweat less when you get older. It’s not all in your head! Older adults sweat less as they age due to reduced sweat gland function and impaired thermoregulation - this means that on top of reduced hydration, they are less able to internally cool themselves down! All these factors combined make dehydration one of the most common causes for hospitalizations in older adults - especially in the summer months.

How do I know if I’m dehydrated?

While younger adults may be able to quickly identify the signs of worsening dehydration and take quick action, the signs in older adults can be a little tricker, often leading to delayed treatment. The most common signs we see when we suspect a patient may be dehydrated are dizziness, especially when coming to stand, and confusion. Orthostatic hypotension, a drop in blood pressure related to changing position when coming from laying down to sitting, or from sitting to standing, can happen at any time, but dehydration can make this worse. Confusion or irritability, or any other changes in mental status can also be a confusing symptom especially in an older adult who may already have some form of dementia, but look for worsening confusion from their norm. Other common signs of dehydration in older adults include reduced urine output, increased muscle cramping, dry skin and a rapid heart beat.

How do I prevent dehydration?

The easiest way to treat dehydration is to PREVENT IT! Try to drink 8 glasses of water a day, choose fluid-rich fruits like watermelon and oranges, veggies like cucumbers and other foods like soup and smoothies that can give you a little extra hydration throughout the day. Keep an eye on drinks that make you LOSE fluid and avoid excessive caffeine, soda and alcohol - or at least pair them with a glass of water to off-set the fluid loss. Stay cool by dressing in light, ‘flowy’ clothes and carry a bottle of water with you wherever you go to sip on throughout the day. Try to drink BEFORE you feel thirsty, even if it’s just a few sips at a time. Prevention can make a world of difference.

How do I treat dehydration?

If you are already feeling the signs of dehydration, don’t panic! Try to move to somewhere cool and rehydrate. Rest for 30-60 minutes and see if you start to feel better. If the symptoms don’t improve, or you experience any fainting, fevers, changes in heart rate or chest pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, it’s time to get some help. Call your PCP for further instruction or go to your local urgent care or emergency department. While mild dehydration may be easy to treat at home, severe or ongoing dehydration can lead to serious medical complications like kidney failure, urinary tract infections and heat stroke. The faster you get the proper care, the better!

Challenge a friend to a drinking contest!

Now that you know the signs, symptoms and treatment of dehydration - let’s have some fun. Challenge the next person (or patient) you see to a drinking contest! Suggest you both take sips of water between conversation, exercises or along a walk and see who can empty their bottles first. Try flavoring water with hydration tabs or fresh fruit or make it fun by using a special glass, straw or turning it into a summer mocktail. Want a fun recipe to try? Here’s my favorite thirst-quenching mocktail: Fill half your glass with coconut water, and top it off with a flavored seltzer or fruit juice. The cool coconut flavors will take you to a warm, sandy beach in your mind - and your body will be hydrated. Win-win:)

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5 Things to Know about Exercise and Depression in Older Adults

Discover the powerful link between exercise and mental health in older adults. Learn how staying active can combat depression and improve overall well-being. Explore effective strategies to incorporate exercise into daily routines for a happier, healthier life.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month! In this blog post, we delve into the critical relationship between exercise and depression in older adults. Discover five essential insights to empower seniors in managing their mental health through physical activity.

  1. Depression is common in older adults and can have a profound impact on daily function.

It is estimated that around 7% of adults over age 65 experience some form of depression, though this number is likely much higher in reality. Depression in older adults can stem from neurological changes and drops in neurotransmitter levels, but can also be related to the many changes older adults face as they age. Older adults face the loss of friends and family, and also experience changes like retirement that can significantly impact their perception of their place and role in society. Chronic illness and disability can lead to stress and lead to a loss of independence and a greater reliance on others for support. Depression can impact sleep and motivation and be also related to an increase in anxiety. Older adults facing depression frequently withdraw from activities they once found meaningful and engaging and this can further exacerbate the issue. Depression is linked to an increased risk of falls - as are the medications people take to manage this condition! All in all, depression is more than a sense of ‘sadness’ in older adults - it can have a wide-spread impact on health, wellness and overall quality of life especially in the aging population. 

2. Depression in older adults doesn’t always look like depression.

Depression in older adults may present with a range of signs beyond sadness, including persistent physical symptoms like aches and pains, changes in appetite or weight, sleep disturbances, fatigue, irritability, and agitation. Additionally, they may experience a loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities, difficulty concentrating or making decisions, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, and thoughts of death or suicide. Recognizing these varied symptoms is crucial, as depression in older adults can often go undiagnosed or be mistaken for other age-related changes, highlighting the importance of early identification and intervention to ensure optimal mental health and well-being.

3. Exercise can have a significant impact on depression.

Exercise and depression has been well-researched. Regular participation in aerobic exercise has been shown to reduce depressive symptoms by 30-47% in randomized control studies as compared to control groups. Exercise improves brain health, and reduces depressive symptoms in a variety of ways. Exercise stimulates blood flow to the brain, which improves energy and motivation, and encourages neurogenesis and synaptogenesis (fancy words for more neurons and more neural connections = faster brain speed and better brain health!). It also promotes release of endorphins, neurotransmitters that act as natural mood elevators, and helps to regulate stress, reduce inflammation and improve sleep quality - all factors that contribute to improved well-being and reduce depressive symptoms. In fact, it has been demonstrated (in randomized control studies like the SMILE trial), that exercise is AS EFFECTIVE as antidepressant medications at treating major depressive symptoms - with NONE of the side effects.

4. Exercise can reduce pain (and pain is linked to depression!)

Upwards to 50% of older adults report they struggle with chronic pain. Exercise is the GOLD STANDARD for treatment for chronic pain. Aerobic exercise in particular manages chronic pain well by improving circulation, releasing endorphins, improving management of arthritis and improving muscle health, and by promoting the normalization of neural circuits that have become maladaptive due to long term exposure to the pain cycle (story for another blog post..). Pain also keeps older adults from participating in social experiences and in the community, further increasing isolation and encouraging depression. Less pain = less depression!

5. The best exercise for depression is…

While the research points towards aerobic exercise as the most effective exercise to manage depression, I personally think the exercise that you ENJOY is the one to choose if you are hoping to use exercise to improve your mental health. If you enjoy what you are doing, you are more likely to be CONSISTENT with your exercise, and it is the consistency that will make the most impact. Take a walk each morning, try a zumba class at your local senior center or work with a therapist or trainor to develop a strength training routine. Whatever exercise you choose (and bonus points for doing it all!), you can feel secure that any steps you take to improve your activity level WILL have a positive influence on your mental health. 

If you are an older adult struggling with depression, or worried about a loved one who may be experience depression, I also want you to know there are some really helpful resources out there. For more information about depression in older adults, check out the links below:

Depression is Not a Normal Part of Getting Older:

Older Adults and Depression PDF from the E4 Center:

Caregiver Guide: Depression from HealthInAging:

Older Adults and Depression Guide from the NIH:

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May Staff Meeting Updates

May Staff Meeting Update

Did you know that HAPT meets monthly to review patient cases and provide feedback and ideas, as well as for in-services and education? (Ten heads ARE better than one!) As much as I love learning, I love teaching even more, so thought I'd share a few lessons learned with you.

This month we were lucky enough to have two great presentations. First, Dahlia Cohen, Registered Dietician, spoke to us about Nutrition in Parkinson's Disease. We learned that weight management, in particular keeping weight ON, is a big issue for people with Parkinson's Disease. Not only are there changes in taste, swallowing and digestion that can be problematic, but due to the extra movement and muscle resistance that occurs in movement disorders, individuals with PD are often burning way more calories than normal during the day. This creates an energy deficit and this leads to weight loss. How can we help our patients with this problem? Here are a few ideas Dahlia gave us:

  • Encourage 3 meals a day + 3 Nutrient Dense snacks (like greek yogurt, or nuts).

  •  Make sure to get adequate amounts of protein throughout the day. Your body can only digest about 30 grams at one sitting, so one big steak at dinner won't cut it. Try adding in smaller amounts, more frequently, making sure to time around your meds (levodopa competes with protein for receptor access, so it can make your meds less effective if taken with protein!). Protein is best eaten 30 minutes before taking levadopa or 60-90 minutes after taking meds.

  •  Don't forget your fiber! We need 25-30 grams of fiber/day for optimal digestion and bowel management, and constipation is even more common in PD because gastrointestinal motility is slowed. Adding in green vegetables, whole grains and beans to your daily diet is helpful, and supplementing if needed with something like Metamucil can be helpful when needed.

After we finished learning about what to take in, we talked about 'how it comes out' with our staff PT, Katie Moulison. Katie just finished a great course in Pelvic Health and shared some helpful considerations for working with individuals who may be experiencing incontinence as they age. Here are some helpful take home messages:

  •  Incontinence is common, but not a normal part of aging and there is a lot we can do about it. Wondering if how often you wake at night to 'go' is normal? Normal nocturia (peeing at night) is waking 0-1 times to get up. If it's more often than that, it can disrupt sleep cycles, leave you more tired during the day and lead to increased risk of falls.

  •  Dehydration, constipation and bladder irritants are all common causes of increased frequency, urgency, nocturia and leakage (PS. the acronym FUNL can help you remember what to ask your patients about!). 

  •  If you're wondering about your own bladder habits, or trying to help a patient problem-solve their incontinence troubles, start by keeping a Bladder Diary and share it with a pelvic health specialist to get their take. There may be some simple strategies we can try to make it better!


Who are we and where do we go?

Healthy Aging Physical Therapy provides Physical and Occupational Therapy in the comfort of your own home (“Outpatient at Home”). We accept Medicare B, Blue Cross Blue Shield and most Medicare Advantage Plans and provide care in the following communities: Concord, Arlington, Belmont, Lexington, Winchester, Woburn, Stoneham, Melrose, Medford, Malden, Wakefield, Lynnfield, North Reading, Reading, Middleton & Peabody, Massachusetts.

We specialize in caring for the older adult, people with Parkinson’s Disease and other complex medical and neuromuscular conditions.

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How NOT to Fall on the Ice this Winter

How to AVOID Falling on the Ice this Winter

It’s Black Ice Season here in Boston and time for me to share my best tips for how NOT to fall on the ice.

But before I do, I have to share my #1, Hands-down, favorite video on the internet. This came across my feed years ago, and I still watch it every so often just because it cracks me up every time. I don’t know if it’s the dad’s laugh, or the fact that I so relate to spending hours waiting in pick up lines outside of schools, but it is absolute gold. Don’t worry, no teens were harmed in the making of this film.

Now, onto the good stuff. What is the best way to avoid taking a digger on the ice this season? Here are my Top 5 Tips to Keep You on Your Feet (and off your rear!) this Winter:

1) Invest in a pair of Ice Cleats:

These come in various brands, shapes and sizes, but a good pair of ice cleats can be your best friend. They are generally mesh and can wrap around whatever shoes or boots you are wearing to give you better traction on the ice. I typically recommend Yak Tracks (See on Amazon here), but LL-Bean also sells their own version (LL Bean Stabilizers), as does REI and other Outdoor stores.

2) Ice-Proof your Cane:

Whether you use a cane on a regular basis or not, it can be a helpful tool in the winter, especially if you add on an Ice-Tip (See Vive Ice Tip on Amazon here). Another great alternative is a hiking pole, and these generally come with a set of tips for various conditions as well (this one is the kind I typically use). Having something to ‘grab’ the ground with, in case of a slip, can be the difference between a ‘phew’ and a hard landing.

3) Walk like a Penguin:

When you’re out there trying to get from Point A to Point B, walk like a penguin! Take wide, short steps and avoid pushing off at the end. Basically, waddle like a penguin! It may seem silly, but it works:

4) Bulletproof Your Balance:

We all know that Prevention is the best Medicine and when it comes to walking around this winter, this is especially true. We all have these automatic fall-prevention reflexes, called Reactive Balance Strategies, that are designed to help us regain our footing after a loss of balance. Whether that is a little ankle rock, bending over at the trunk to lower your center of mass, or getting a foot out there to step and prevent a fall, these need to be practiced to remain effective! If you’ve been having falls, or even find yourself having a lot or near misses, it may be a good time to see a Physical Therapist to work on your balance. Even if you feel like your balance is pretty good, as you age, it’s a good habit to do some regular balance exercises to keep it up to snuff. Check out our Otago Exercise Page for a routine you’d an try at home, or join us at one of our Strong and STEADI sessions if there is one available near you. Looking for 1:1 Balance Training? Contact us today to see if we can help.

4) Stick the Landing:

Slips, trips and falls happen, so if you’re going down, you’re better off knowing how to land. We’ve put a page together with helpful tips on how to land safely to reduce risk of fractures and other injuries and practice this skill often with our patients. If it can mean the difference between a bump or bruise and a hip fracture or head injury, believe me, it’s well worth it. Check out our How to Fall Safely page here.

We hope these tips keep you on your feet and off the ice this winter! Physical Therapists like us are Fall Prevention Experts and we love to help. Read more below to learn about our practice, meet our therapists and find out how to get in touch so we can help you stay safe this winter.


Who are we and where do we go?

Healthy Aging Physical Therapy provides Physical and Occupational Therapy in the comfort of your own home (“Outpatient at Home”). We accept Medicare B, Blue Cross Blue Shield and most Medicare Advantage Plans and provide care in the following communities: Concord, Arlington, Belmont, Lexington, Winchester, Woburn, Stoneham, Melrose, Medford, Malden, Wakefield, Lynnfield, North Reading, Reading, Middleton & Peabody, Massachusetts.

We specialize in caring for the older adult, people with Parkinson’s Disease and other complex medical and neuromuscular conditions.

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How do we RETRAIN the BRAIN?

Ever wonder how to RETRAIN the BRAIN? Read on learn all about the wonderful world of NEUROPLASTICITY….

Ever wonder how to RETRAIN the BRAIN? Read on learn all about the wonderful world of NEUROPLASTICITY….

I asked a patient of mine to do a particular exercise "100 Times a Day" last week. I told him I didn't care if he did it 100 times in a row or if he breaks it up throughout the day, but I told him it was the only thing I wanted him to focus for the week. I walked in today, and not only did he tell me he's done it every day, but that one night he went to bed at 11:30PM, realized he forgot and got OUT OF BED to do his last 25. (Yes, this WAS the highlight of my day!)

Now, this is not something I do all the time, and certainly not an effective way to strengthen a muscle or stretch something tight. But what I wanted to do, is 'retrain' his brain to recognize a movement pattern and perform it better to improve his walking pattern. Did you know it takes an average of 2000 trials for an animal to learn a reward-motivated pattern (like tapping a lever for a treat), and even more for athletes or musicians to master a new motor skill involved with their sport or craft?

Rehab is no different. If we are asking our patients to make changes that we hope become habit, we need to follow the principals of neuroplasticity (neuro-what??! Yes, neuroplasticity is one of my favorite words - no surprise there, right!). Neuroplasticity is the ability for the brain to change - and this change can be positive, like learning a new skill, or negative, like losing a motor pattern like walking, dressing or eating, after experiencing a stroke, brain injury or other neurologic injury.

So what encourages 'positive neuroplasticity' - and how DO we 'retrain the brain?' It's simpler than you may think:

  1. Repetition: Back 'in the day,' (aka when I went to grad school), it was thought that we had to complete repetitions in perfect form to retrain the brain properly. This meant lots of hands-on guidance from therapists, and even passive exercise like forced cycling. Fortunately, what the research has shown lately, is that the movement doesn't have to be perfect, but it does have to be repetitive...and INTENSE.

  2. Intensity: Like the old adage says, nothing good ever comes easy, and harnessing the power of neuroplasticity is no different. Retraining the brain is just like strengthening a muscle. If I wanted stronger biceps, lifting a one-pound weight over and over is not going to cut it. I'd have to lift something heavier than I can currently handle, to stimulate the muscles to grow STRONGER to be able to manage this new load. The brain is the same. We need to give it a task that requires focus, concentration and demands attention. It needs to be INTENSE to give the brain a good reason to pay attention!

  3. Saliency: PS. It's also got to MATTER. The brain pays more attention to something that it cares about. Picture someone on an assembly line doing the same menial task day in and day out. This is not salient to that person, but making money to feed his or her family may be, so they show up and do it again each day. We've got to choose tasks, and activities that are interesting, motivating and personally relevant to our patients, to encourage neuroplasticity. Whether this means linking an exercise or activity directly to one of their personal goals, or engaging them in activity that they get joy, pride or some other form of satisfaction from participating in, it’s got to MATTER to make a DIFFERENCE.

  4. Repetition: See what I did there? (ahh, PT jokes...), but seriously, repetition MATTERS, maybe more than anything on this list. I'm learning as I become a more experienced (/OLDER) clinician to give less, while giving more. Ever been gone to PT and been given 10 pages of exercises only to 'lose them' on the way home, or tuck them away somewhere never to be seen again? (yes, I have judgement here). What if we give them ONE thing to focus on - that hits all these criteria - something intense, meaningful and challenging - and ask them to do it over and over again? THAT'S where the magic is going to happen.

So back to my motivated, compliant, amazing patient above. Guess what? I came back to today, and he was walking BETTER. Five days of specific focus on one activity. It works, guys, I promise...


Who are we and where do we go?

Healthy Aging Physical Therapy provides Physical and Occupational Therapy in the comfort of your own home (“Outpatient at Home”). We accept Medicare B, Blue Cross Blue Shield and most Medicare Advantage Plans and provide care in the following communities: Concord, Arlington, Belmont, Lexington, Winchester, Woburn, Stoneham, Melrose, Medford, Malden, Wakefield, Lynnfield, North Reading, Reading, Middleton & Peabody, Massachusetts.

We specialize in caring for the older adult, people with Parkinson’s Disease and other complex medical and neuromuscular conditions.

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