Do I need Physical Therapy or a Wellness Program?
HAE/PT offers both in-home and virtual skilled physical therapy and in-home and virtual HAE/FIT training and wellness services. Answer the questions below to determine where you fit.
You may benefit from Physical Therapy if:
You would like to go to an outpatient physical therapy clinic, but feel like it is too difficult or unsafe to get there or are more comfortable being treated at home.
You have pain, fatigue, limited mobility or difficulty accessing your home or community due to an injury, illness or exacerbation of either one.
You have trouble with your balance and have had recent falls, near falls or you have a fear of falling.
You are finding it harder to complete your daily routine on your own, or are in need of increasing support from family or caregivers.
You are participating less in your hobbies or leisure activities due to pain, weakness, fatigue or trouble with your balance.
You’ve been in the hospital recently, and had home health and been discharged, or did not qualify for home health and still don't feel back to normal.
You may benefit from a Wellness Program if:
You would like to be more active, but aren’t sure where to start.
You have chronic, but stable, medical conditions and would like to be able to improve your fitness with supervision and guidance.
You would like someone to assess your overall fitness level and teach you how to improve it.
You would like to learn how to better manage your medical conditions through lifestyle modification and exercise.
You want to stay healthy and active as you age and remain as independent as possible.
You have completed therapy already and would like some help staying motivated, or supervision while you complete your home exercise program.
You are the primary caregiver for a loved one and want to stay healthy so you can continue to care for them.