HAE/PT offers a variety of fitness training and wellness services to meet all of your health and wellness needs. All HAE/FIT programs are provided by Katie Wadland, PT, DPT in your own home or local community. Sessions can be provided to you individually, in pairs or as a part of a group class or series. Virtual telehealth options available!

Contact HAE/PT for more detail.


Individual Training and Wellness Services

  • Senior Fitness Assessments and Training Sessions for clients 50 years and older

  • Neurological Fitness Assessments and Training Sessions for clients with chronic or degenerative neurological conditions like Parkinson’s Disease, MS, Stroke, TBI, SCI and Cerebral Palsy

    Fitness sessions can be provided individually in-home or virtually via Telehealth. Sessions can also be provided to small groups. Contact HAE/PT for more details.


Healthy Aging Essentials Virtual Education and Fitness Series

HAE/FIT is a unique Physical-Therapist led community health and wellness course. Over the eight-week series, participants will learn how to make lifestyle modifications, better nutritional decisions and how to use regular exercise to prevent falls, support healthy aging and a better quality of life. Each session starts with a topic of interest, a motivational quote and then moves into a forty-minute workout that blends aerobic exercise, functional strengthening, postural and core stability, flexibility training and balance reeducation. Classes are fun, engaging, but most importantly, effective.

While activities modifications will be offered to scale activities, participants who choose to participate in HAE/FIT should at minimum be able to rise to stand safely from a chair to supported or unsupported standing OR have a companion present to assist with this activity as needed. The ideal participant is over 60, interested in taking charge of their own health and able to walk at least at a household level.

Class size will be limited to 15 participants per session to allow for individual attention and adequate supervision.

Class outline by week is as follows:

Week One:      Physical Activity and Healthy Aging

Week Two:      Importance of Nutrition and Hydration

Week Three:      Heart and Lung Health

Week Four:     Muscle, Bone and Joint Health

Week Five:      Brain Health

Week Six:     Balance Basics and Fall Prevention

Week Seven:      Home and Community Safety

Week Eight:       Q&A and Staying Active

Schedule, fees and registration

Classes will be offered Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-2:30pm from September 15th until November 5th, 2020

Fee for the session is $150. No refunds can be provided after purchase.

~All classes to be held virtually over Zoom~

To register for HAE/FIT, click Sign Me Up below or call Katie at (617) 851 5315.

Once registered, please visit the HAE Store to pay for your classes.