FAQ #2: How ‘Old’ Do I Have to be to See You?


FAQ: How ‘Old’ Do I Have To Be to See You

(Hint: It’s a trick question)

I’ll answer this question with another question. Are you older than you were yesterday? Then you’re ‘old enough’ to see me.

As a geriatric physical therapist, I specialize in healthy aging. This means that while I’m a great person to see if you are having age-related issues like pain or limitation from arthritis, or trouble walking or difficulty with your balance, I’m also a great person to see if you want to PREVENT some of this stuff down the road.

There are so many diseases and disorders associated with aging (Congestive Heart Disease, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Osteoporosis and Cancer to name a few), but the key to prevention is making healthy choices, and developing healthy lifestyle habits BEFORE you get older. I’m 38 - and everyday I consciously make choices that will make me a healthier older person when I get there.

So, the answer to this question is you have to be exactly as old as you currently are:)

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FAQ #3: What DO You Actually Do ???


Dementia 101