The Health Collaborator
The Health Collaborator provides a uniquely personalized healthcare experience. We are interested in learning about your ideal quality of life and use that to develop strategies to work with you to achieve that. Services range from Physical Therapy, fitness, and meal prep to concierge medical advocacy, comprehensive & personalized environmental modification, and caregiver/family education.
Clinician: Dr. Matthew Fothergill, PT, DPT, Certified Dementia Specialist
Contact: 508-258-9274/
Area of Specialty: Geriatrics; Neurology; Orthopedics; Chronic Encephalopathy; Post Concussion Syndrome; Dementia; Vascular Pathology (Vertigo); Caregiver education, Medical Advocacy, Dementia Care planning; Home Modification
Service Territory: Cape Cod, Boston and surrounding areas, all MA and globally via telehealth
Private Pay