Request a Training for your Organization


How long is the training?

Training can either be Blended Self-Paced & Virtual and presented over 6 Hours (broken up into 2 x 3 Hours) or fully In-Person over 8 Hours (broken up into 2 x 4 Hour Sessions)

How many participants can attend?

Whether Virtual or In-Person, classes require a minimum of 10 participants and can accommodate up to 30 participants.

What is required of the Host Site?

Host site will be responsible for marketing and scheduling of participants, for providing room and seating, as well as a device for PowerPoint projection with sound for any on-site trainings. Instructor will provide Participant Manuals and other required class materials.

What is the cost for Training?

Please contact Healthy Aging Physical Therapy for information regarding pricing.

Phone: (617) 851 5315
