Breaking the Fall Cycle for Fall Prevention Week

Written by: Dr. Katie Wadland, PT, DPT, Board-Certified Geriatric Clinical Specialist and Owner: Healthy Aging PT

Falls are a significant health concern for older adults, often initiating a dangerous cycle that can lead to more frequent falls and serious injuries. This Fall Prevention Week, we’re focusing on how the Cycle of Falling works—and, more importantly, how it can be broken with the right interventions.

The First Fall and Fear of Falling

The cycle often begins with an initial fall, leading to significant fear and anxiety about falling again. This fear impacts confidence in movement and results in avoiding daily activities. Nearly 50% of older adults who have fallen report limiting their physical activity afterward, which increases their likelihood of future falls.

At Healthy Aging Physical Therapy, we go beyond traditional therapies by teaching fall preparedness skills, including how to land safely and recover from a fall. Evidence shows that learning these techniques, along with the ability to get on and off the floor, reduces the fear of falling, which in turn lowers the risk of future falls.

Reduced Physical Activity

When fear limits physical activity, muscles weaken, and balance worsens. This sets the stage for more falls, as musculoskeletal strength is essential for stability.

We provide tailored programs that encourage safe, gradual increases in movement, helping individuals regain strength and reduce their fall risk.

Musculoskeletal Decline and Gait Instability

Reduced activity leads to muscle loss, joint stiffness, and decreased mobility, which all contribute to gait instability. This unsteady walking pattern makes falls even more likely.

Our therapists focus on improving strength, flexibility, and gait stability through evidence-based interventions like the Otago Balance Program, a proven exercise regimen designed specifically for fall prevention in older adults. By incorporating Otago exercises, we help patients maintain steady movement, balance, and mobility, significantly reducing the risk of future falls.

We also offer Strong and STEADI balance classes, which focus on improving balance, coordination, and strength to help reduce fall risk. These group classes create a supportive environment for patients looking to improve their mobility and confidence. You can find more information about these programs at Healthy Aging PT Group Classes.

Increased Fall Risk and Repeated Falls

As the cycle progresses, the likelihood of repeated falls grows, leading to a dangerous pattern. Breaking this cycle requires a comprehensive approach.

At Healthy Aging, we offer personalized fall risk assessments and targeted interventions, focusing on balance, mobility, and confidence to stop repeated falls before they happen.

One key aspect of our intervention is the Home Safety Evaluation. Our therapists assess your living environment to identify potential fall hazards and provide practical modifications. These changes, such as securing rugs, improving lighting, or installing grab bars, are crucial in creating a safer home, reducing fall risk, and promoting independent living.

How Healthy Aging Physical Therapy Can Help

We offer a variety of specialized services to address the Cycle of Falling, including balance and fall prevention programs, gait retraining, and strengthening exercises. Our team is committed to promoting safety, independence, and confidence for each individual. Check out more about our Balance and Falls Program here.

If you or a loved one are at risk of falling, take the first step towards breaking the cycle. Call us at (617) 398-4508 or fill out our New Patient Registration Form to schedule a fall risk evaluation.


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