HAE Fall Prevention Community Seminar and Fall Risk Screening

HAE/PT offers virtual or in-person fall risk screening and fall prevention seminars. During this one-hour program, participants will learn about the basic components that make up our balance system, the natural protective reactions our body uses to respond to losses of balance - and how we can improve both to prevent falls and fall related injuries.

We will also review home safety tips and how to improve safety within the community. Participants will have the opportunity to fill out a fall-risk assessment survey and will receive results and personalized fall prevention suggestions from Katie Wadland, PT, DPT via email after the program is complete.

This program is being offered free-of-cost to community groups in the Wakefield, Lynnfield, Melrose, Stoneham, Peabody and Reading areas.

(Fee for programs provided outside of these areas is $150 per session)

Please contact HAE/PT to schedule your Fall Prevention Seminar using the form below.