HomeBodies, LLC
Husband and Wife team of Physical Therapists providing private-pay, in-home PT, Wellness, and Home Safety serving Cape Cod, MA. We have both worked locally at a popular outpatient clinic for nearly 10 years and maintain good working relationships with our local peers in the healthcare community on Cape. Bill is the go-to PT locally for all neuro referrals and Meg excels with chronic pain, myofascial release, and generalized wellness/fitness training.
Clinician: Meghan & Bill Howley
Contact: (508) 243 - 4968 / Howley@HomeBodiesLLC.com
Area of Specialty: Orthopedics; Neurology; Geriatrics; Myofascial Release, Graston Certified, Adaptive Sports; MA HIC License (Home Improvement Contractor) and MA Hoisting Engineer License for home modifications.
Service Territory: Cape Cod
Private Pay Only
Website: www.homebodiesllc.com