30 Min Senior Exercises at Home - Seated and Standing Options HasFit

Experts agree, exercise is one of the few things that can actually slow down the aging process. This routine can help you improve balance and strength while building lean muscle and flexibility. Whether you choose to follow the standing or chair exercises, HASfit’s senior exercises at home will provide modifications that work for you. You may use a pair of light dumbbells or water bottles for extra resistance, but it isn’t required.

Warm up

T / Y’s

Hamstring Sweep

Run in Place

Senior Workout

Butt Kick + Overhead Shoulder Ext

Curl + Arnold Press

Sumo Deadlift / Sumo Chair Get Up

Bent Over Row

Front Kick + Punch

Triceps Kickback

Side Shuffle / March in Place

Battling Ropes

Reverse Lunges / Leg Extensions

Squat + High Pull / Hinge + High Pull

Straight Arm Jack / Seated

Hollow Body / Seat Hollow Body

Hip Ups / Seated Hip Ups

Cool Down

Chair Downward Dog / from Two Chairs

Seated Figure Four

Upright Row + Rotation + Reach

Standing Quad Stretch / Seated



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